Laura Higgins's Fundraiser
Help develop the skills of local changemakers in rural Ghana
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
In the summer of 2011 I embarked on a journey that forever changed my understanding of the world. A journey that made me realize the privileged education I had. A journey that made me see the kindness of people in a completely new and beautiful way.
As a music therapy student, my days in the village consisted of working in three groups, and one individual session under a mango tree, using music therapy as my tool. Royalton music center in North Royalton, OH was gracious enough to donate a variety of amazing instruments for the children to use and keep in the school system. We worked on learning English by learning colors, animals, and so much more. We focused on sharing, and we plain old had fun! I will never forget the smiles on the kid's faces when we were making music, or they tried a new instrument. It was pure joy.
Before Lauren began the Akaa project, the kids were not in school, because there was nowhere that they could go. This community however, took over Lauren's heart, and she has made it her mission to help create a sustainable situation for the Akaa community with education, micro-finance, clean water and more than I can even begin to share.
What has always been a constant is that Lauren has spoken with the people in the community to find what their goals are. The Akaa community is family, and that is what my heart will always remember. I will remember Jonathan, a passionate son of the chief who went to school everyday to teach the oldest class, and always seemed to have a smile on his face while doing so.
The Akaa community took over my heart, and the music continues to shine, with more people volunteering, and sharing in this beautiful communities spirit. Music changed my life growing up, and education allowed me to learn and grow, and eventually took me to Ghana.
What I know is that everyone deserves an education, and they deserve to be educated by people like Jonathan who want to learn more so that he can serve the Akaa community, a community that to me is now family.
This campaign is about investing in the potential of the local changemakers. It's for people like Jonathan, that I am raising 2,000 dollars for the Akaa Project's Local People, Greater Potential Campaign.
We are raising $20,000, to be used over 2 years, to strengthen the skills of the dedicated people of the Akaa project, and build capacity in the communities we work in. In these two years, they will learn important proficiencies and skills such as first aid, financial management and accounting, and computers, as well as problem solving and effective communication. Funds will be used for individual and group trainings, professional mentorship, and other support costs. These activities have a direct impact on what our program outcomes will be – how many children have access to quality education, how many adults become literate, how many families will make informed healthcare decisions, how many people will maximize their land production to better provide for their families.
The people of the Akaa project changed my life when I volunteered there more than four years ago. I saw selfless people who gave me an experience of a lifetime, and taught me about the beauty of the human spirit. Give to those who always think of others first. Help us create greater opportunity for rural children and their families, by helping those that help and inspire others everyday.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for The Akaa Project!